

Welcome to the Parish Family of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, in the Township of Washington, Bergen County, New Jersey. We are a warm and welcoming community.

Our goal is to create a family that makes everyone at home in the Catholic Church. Our Parish is a vibrant and growing community. Our website is designed to help you feel at home and want to join us in the service of Our Lord Jesus Christ. On behalf of the people of Our Lady of Good Counsel we invite you and welcome you to come and join us.

Our Parish was established on July 29, 1959 by Archbishop Thomas A. Boland, DD. It was formed to care for the growing needs of the people of Township of Washington, Westwood and Hillsdale New Jersey.

Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish continues the tradition of its founding on the principal that all are welcomed and all contribute to the building of the Church which is the Body of Christ.

Our activities and ministries open to all, and we hope you will come and join us.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Rev. Raymond Rodrigue
Deacon Mr. Robert Glasner

Rev. Raymond Rodrigue
Deacon Robert Glasner


Rev. Raymond Rodrigue

Father Ray was ordained to the priesthood on May 24, 1997. He has served as the Parochial Vicar at Sacred Heart Parish in Lyndhurst and Nativity Parish in Midland Park. In addition, he served as the Police Chaplain at Sacred Heart Parish in Lyndhurst. He is currently the fifth pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel.

Robert Glasner

Deacon Glasner is a permanent Lay Deacon in the Archdiocese of Newark assigned to Our Lady of Good Counsel. Deacon Bob is an ordained minister with the faculties to celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism and Marriage. He is ordained to read the Gospel at Mass and preach. He is in charge of the Men’s Sharing Group. Along with his wife Janet he is on the Liturgy Decorating Committee and is a member of the Pastoral Council.


Jennifer DeCaux
Director of Religious Education

Jennifer has been serving in the Ministry of Religious Education since 2012, after 6 years of working as a teacher’s aide in a Catholic School’s Pre-K program. Her husband Matthew was a previous Director here from 2010-2016. During that time she got involved, along with her parents, with various Religious Education and Youth Ministry events. To say the parish grew on them is an understatement! This wasn’t a job, it was something they genuinely enjoyed coming together for. When the opportunity was presented to her to come back and serve the parish, this time as the Director, it tugged at the heart strings and was an obvious, yes! There is something about OLGC, the parish, the people, the clergy, the energy that it gives, the potential that they see in it that. Jennifer signed on as the Director, but this is still a family thing, her parents have since passed so shes bringing along her husband and son. The DeCaux Family has a great love for OLGC and they hope it is evident in all that they do to serve the families.

Patricia Marcinek
Parish Secretary

Pat started working in the rectory in October 1987. Among her many duties are: to handle all clerical work for the parish, type and submit the weekly bulletin and monthly calendar, maintain sacramental records, employee and volunteer records, payroll, and pay bills along with answering the phone and writing out mass cards. Her motto, “If it needs doing, do it.”

Brian Murphy

Brian Murphy has been a member of Our Lady of Good Counsel for over many years. Brian has served in many roles over the years including as a member of the Finance Council for many years.

Mr. George Toole
Parish Trustee

George Toole has been a member of Our Lady of Good Counsel for over many years. George has served in many roles over the years including as a member of the Pastoral Council for many years.

OLGC Council Members

OLGC Council Member
Debbie Agnello
John Brunelli
Matthew Calderisi
OLGC Council Member
Joseph Cambria
Beth Holmes
OLGC Council Member
Peter Maliani
OLGC Council Member
Elizabeth Marcinek
OLGC Council Member
Daniel Scudieri
OLGC Council Member
Richard Trunfio
OLGC Council Member
Carolyn Vinagre


Altar Servers
Altar Servers are dedicated boys and girls, teenagers who volunteer to assist the liturgical celebrations of the parish. The role of server is integral to the regular celebration of the Mass and liturgical celebrations of the church. On Sundays, Holy Days and special masses, two or more servers are assigned to carry out the various functions entrusted to these ministers. Among the many things they do is carry the Processional Cross and Candles, hold the book for the priest celebrant, carry the incense and censer, present the bread, wine, and water to the priest during the preparation of the gifts or assist him when he receives them from the people at the presentation of the gifts.
Contact Father Ray: 201-664-6624

Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry program is a gathering of middle school and high school students twice a month on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm. Teenagers have the opportunity to learn about their faith, as well as participate in service projects.
Contact Jennifer: 201-664-1679

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a person appointed by the Archbishop or his delegate to assist the parish priests in the distribution of Holy Communion. These men and women are commissioned by the Archbishop to help the priests of the parish in the distribution of the Eucharist at Mass and to bring the Eucharist to the sick and the homebound.
Interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Communion?
Contact Father Ray: 201-664-6624

Communion Visits to the Sick
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Eucharist bring Holy Communion to the sick and infirm at their home, in hospitals, or long and short term care facilities such as nursing homes, rehabilitation centers, Veterans Home, and more.
Contact Deacon Bob Glasner: 201-358-8292

Note: If a family member is seriously ill and wishes the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick or desires a visit from one of our priests please call the rectory at 201-664-6624

Liturgy Decorating Committee
Members of this committee help to plan the decoration of the church for the Liturgical Seasons so as to enhance and make more meaningful the liturgical celebrations of the parish. Interested in joining this group?
Contact Janet Glasner: 201-358-8292

This is a group of volunteers who are responsible for the care of the liturgical vessels, liturgical books, altar cloths, linens and vestments used in the celebration of parish liturgies. They assist in setting up for daily and Sunday Mass. This is a great ministry for those who want to be involved in Liturgy and yet wish to stay in the background. Interested in joining this group?
Contact Janet Glasner: 201-358-8292

Ushers and Greeters
Ushers and greeters are the first contact for people entering the church. These parishioners serve to welcome people at each mass and assist them in any way necessary to feel comfortable in coming to Mass. They assist people and families in finding seats. The ushers also assist in helping to keep the communion lines orderly. Other responsibilities are to invite members of the congregation to bring up the offertory gifts and take up the Offertory Collection. New members are always needed. Interested in becoming an usher or greeter?
Contact Father Ray: 201-664-6624

Evangelization Ministries:
Committee for Evangelization. This is the most basic mission of the Catholic faith. It means to bring the Good News of Jesus and his message into all areas of our lives and of our society. Evangelization is another way of saying, “The Gospel of the Lord”. We hear these words at Mass every Sunday, and we answer, “Thanks be to God”. When we say this, we are thanking God for the gift of our faith and we should also be thanking God for the opportunity to share it. Let us recall the specific mission that Jesus gave to his followers just before he returned to the Father after his resurrection. He told them to go into the whole world and tell the Good News. This is a real command from the Lord and it is for every person who has been baptized in Christ. There are many forms that evangelization can take, but the witness of our personal faith in the areas of our individual lives is certainly powerful. Home visits are also very helpful.
Contact: 201-664-9130

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.)
This is a universal process by which the Church welcomes people into the faith. Most everyone knows someone who has come into the Catholic Church through a Catholic whose influence and good example moved them to ask: “What is it that the Catholic Church believes and teaches that can be so meaningful”? Parishioners are invited to look for persons who might be influenced in this way. Maybe you know someone who is not a practicing member of another religion. That person may be waiting for you to invite them to inquire about the Catholic faith. Will you do that for the Lord? Will you share the tremendous gift of faith with another? We have an R.C.I.A. team in this parish that is eager to be of help. You might bring your friend to a meeting to give support and show that you really care.
Contact Deacon Bob Glasner: 201-358-8292

Re-Membering Church
This ministry is specifically for those Catholics who have been away from church attendance for any length of time, and wish to return to the Sacraments and live again the peace of Christ. They are given time in a non-judgmental atmosphere to tell their story, to ask questions and to find themselves welcomed. Who do you know who may need this renewal of faith and be re-membered (rejoined) with the whole faith community? Would you be willing to speak to them?
Contact: 201-664-9130

Spiritual Life

Men’s Sharing Group
This is a group of men of the parish who join together to share scripture and spirituality under the guidance of their spiritual leader Deacon Bob. The Men’s Sharing Group meets the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Youth Room in the Sullivan Center at 7:30 pm. All men are invited to come and join them. Interested in joining this group?
Contact Deacon Robert Glasner: 201-358-8292

Ministry of Prayer
This ministry is meant for those who are homebound by handicap, illness or age. They unite their sufferings to the Passion of Jesus and offer their prayers for the intentions of their fellow parishioners, enabling them to feel more closely connected to the parish family. Interested in joining this group?
Contact: 201-666-9024

Food Pantry Ministry
Members of the Food Pantry manage the collecting, storing and distribution of food, products, and monetary donations (changed to supermarket gift cards) from parishioners to help the parish needy. Also donations of prepared food from the Knights of Columbus when provided are distributed.
Contact Anthony Baldini: 201-447-3695 or
Claudia Carroll: 201-664-1679

Respect Life Committee
The OLGC Respect Life Committee meets the 1st Wednesday of each month at a member’s home. The committee reviews pro-life information that is provided by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. It informs the OLGC community about this information and recommendations for action that the Bishops request. The committee keeps abreast of pro-life activities that take place in New Jersey and advises parishioners about them. For example, Monthly prayer Vigils for Life like the one that took place from the end of 2012 to the middle of 2013. The committee also put together activities which involve parishioners such as the “Spiritually Adopt-A-Baby Program” where everyone gets the chance to spiritually adopt a baby, give the baby a name and pray for the baby for 9 months. Then toward the end of the pregnancy period there is a baby shower and the gifts donated are given to Several Sources Foundation. New members are always welcomed.
Contact Maria Calamari: 201-670-0850

Social Concerns Committee
This ministry channels its energies to anticipate, identify and help alleviate the temporal needs of the people of all ages within the parish and also beyond the parish boundaries.
Contact Anthony Baldini: 201-447-3695

Finance Council
By Canon Law each parish is required to have a Finance Committee to help with the managing of the parish finances. The Council is to be made up of members of the parish chosen by the pastor in consultation with the parochial vicar, staff members and lay leadership. The Finance Committee is to assist the pastor in the administration of the parish goods and finances.

Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council functions as a consultative body to the pastor. The Council consists of members of the parish that represent various groups, ministries and activities from within the parish. The advice, recommendations and pastoral efforts of the Council are indispensible to the pastor. The Council is tasked with various projects and overseeing various committees that carry out ministry and activities in the parish. Through loving care in planning for the good of the parish, the pastor and the council seek to build up the Body of Christ and assist the faithful in the ministry of Christ.

Sunday Counters
These are parishioners who come in once a month on a Sunday morning to count the collection and prepare the deposit of the collection for the bank. Interested in joining this group?
Contact: 201-664-6624

OLGC Website
Our website is updated on a regular basis with the weekly bulletin and with current information to inform parishioners and all who are interested in OLGC. The website is dedicated to the late George Don Devine, original website founder and longtime OLGC parishioner.


Sacrament of Baptism
Baptism is the welcoming of a person into union with Christ through the Holy Spirit and being joined with the faith community of the Catholic Church. It is a permanent sign of God’s love and the gift of faith in the life of the one baptized. The Sacrament of Baptism is administered once a month on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Parents who are members of the parish should call and arrange for the Baptism and must participate in the program of preparation. It is recommended that you make arrangements for the Baptism during the pregnancy and not wait until the child is born.

Godparents for Baptism
In choosing a Godparent (Sponsor) please keep in mind that the church has certain requirements for sponsors for the Sacrament of Baptism. They must be a practicing Catholic, at least 16 years of age, and have received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Eucharist and Confirmation). There are two Godparents for the child a Godfather and a Godmother. Godparents must obtain a certificate of sponsorship from their parish

The Sacrament of Holy Eucharist
The Sacrament of Holy Eucharist is the solemn reception of the body and blood of Christ given for our salvation. The Sacrament of the Eucharist is administered every time the mass is celebrated.

First Holy Communion Preparation
First Holy Communion Preparation is a two year process beginning in first grade for children.
Contact: 201-664-1679

The Sacrament of Confirmation
The Sacrament of Confirmation is administered to young adults who are sealed with the Holy Spirit, and become adult members of the Catholic faith community. A two year preparatory program beginning in the 8th grade is required.
Contact: 201–664-1679

For adults the Sacrament is administered through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
Contact: 201-664-9130

The Sacrament of Reconciliation-Penance
The Sacrament of Reconciliation celebrates the forgiveness of Christ and restores us to fuller union with him and in the life of the Church. The Sacrament is celebrated every Saturday from 4:00 to 4:30 pm in the Church. You may make an appointment with one of our priests for more convenient times. Inter-parochial celebrations take place in Advent and Lent. Refer to our bulletin for scheduled times and place.

The Sacrament of Marriage
Marriage is a sacrament in which a baptized man and a baptized woman are joined together in a sacred bond of love and fidelity which they pledge to one another. This pledge is witnessed and blessed by the priest or deacon of the church. The Sacrament of Marriage is a symbol of Christ’s love for his people and the eternal covenant of God with human beings. The Bishops of New Jersey have directed that all preparations for the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage are to start one year prior to the date of the marriage. Engaged couples, themselves, are to make the arrangements for their marriage with one of our priests. The Sacrament of Marriage takes place within the church building.

The Sacrament of Holy Orders
Holy Orders is the sacrament of apostolic ministry entrusted by Christ to his apostles to be exercised in the Church until the end of time. It is expressed by three specific ministries: the Eucharistic ministry, administering the sacraments and preaching. Holy Orders include the ordination of Bishops, Priests and Deacons. There are two orders of deacons Permanent Lay Deacons and Transitional Deacons. Transitional Deacons are those who are preparing for Priesthood. Any man interested in a priestly or diaconal vocation should speak with one of our priests.

The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick has its origin in the healing ministry of Jesus and in Sacred Scripture where Saint James declares: “Summon the priest to pray over the sick one and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord…” The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is for those who are sick, for those in advanced age and those who are about to undergo serious medical procedures. It is the Sacrament of healing in the church. Call the Rectory to arrange for a priest to visit the home. Family members are urged not to wait until a person is critical before calling for the Sacrament. If a person is rushed to a hospital there are chaplains assigned to the hospital to provide the Sacrament of the Sick in the hospital.

In case of emergency, call the rectory at anytime: 201-664- 6624

Once a year our parish celebrates a Mass of Healing which includes the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Note: Due to the Health Insurance Portability & Privacy Act (know as HIPPA) it is important that the family notify the rectory of hospitalized family member.


Loved one in the Hospital?
Request a hospital visit from one of the Our Lady of Good Counsel clergy.
Click here

Change of Address?
If you moved or changes your address, phone or contact info, let us update our records.
Click here

Youth Education/Ministry
Religious education, Youth Group, Activities & events for our younger parishioners.
Click here

Catholic Faith Links
Travelling? Find a service to attend anyplace, wordwide at Masstimes.org.
Click here.

Vatican: the Holy See
Official website of the Vatican
Click here

Daily Meditations
Meditations of the Holy Father
Click here

Roman Catholic Diocese Of Newark
The Church in the Archdiocese of Newark: Catholic Christians who recognize and acknowledge in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection, the expression of the Father’s gift of love for all people. Empowered by the Spirit of the risen Christ, we are called, as individuals and as a community, to be living witnesses of Christ’s presence and His ongoing mission in our society.
Click here.

Catholic Online
Catholic Online serves the global Catholic community, other Christians, other people of faith and all people of good will by providing news, views, and content over its integrated media network.
Click here

Who is Our Lady of Good Counsel?
Our Lady of Good Counsel (Latin: Mater boni consilii) is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Her feast day is April 26.
Click here

Washington Township Website
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Washington Township Library Website
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Washington Township Fire Department Website
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Our Lady of Good Counsel History

Parish Dream Now A Reality

“In Washington Township, NJ, just 23 miles from New York City, men of different faiths are working shoulder to shoulder to convert an old fire-gutted daily barn into a modern house of worship. When it is completed, Our Lady of God Counsel Church will stand as a monument to parishioners and friends who volunteered their services on weekends throughout the year to full fill the dream of Father Eugene F.X. Sullivan for a parish church.

Built by Volunteer Labor
With the exception of a few craftsman who were hired to construct the roof supports, the entire building is being constructed by volunteer workers who mix cement, saw timber, paint, and landscape the church grounds. Work crews of eight men each are led by volunteers from the building trades.

Will Serve Many Purposes
Completely modern in appearance, the structure will be rectangular, 34 x 100 feet, with an atrium, or open porch of 13 feet. The cross, to be protected from the elements, will hang from the peak beneath the roof. The porch, the only new addition to the remaining structure, will be the main feature of the building. When completed the church will hold about 300 persons. It will double as a recreational center and meeting house.”

Article printed 1958 by King Features Syndicate
Click here for pdf of article.